1. Beyond Names.
Beyond Names is an empowerment project by young women in T.C.I that is participatory and revolves around a mentorship concept. It is run by a committee of six aged between twenty one and thirty years (21-30.) all who live in Embakasi constituency and assisted by an advisory board. The committee members previously came from wanting backgrounds and were trained in: Reproductive Health and Life Skills, HIV/AIDS and Home Based Care, Basic Counselling Skills and Enterpreneurship and now come together as a team of competent mentors working with young women and girls aged between thirteen and twenty five(13-25)as their target group in the densely populated Embakasi Constituency.
Why "Beyond Names"
In Kenya, there are forty two ethnic groups each with its unique culture, langauge and names. In the countries history, names have been used to determine ethnic backgrounds and unfortunately branding and stereotyping has seen most people achive such great division. The beyond names committee has its members from different ethnic backgrounds and has concentrated on bringing change and unity among young women and girls irresective.
The Target Group.
Aged between 13 and 25 years the young women and girls include;
Adolescens girls in marriage.
Adolescent girls in and out of school.
Adolescent girls and young women working under risky and unfavourable conditons.(cheap labour market, commercial sex work)
Young Widows
The Physically impared aolescent girls and young women.
Adolescent and young mothers.
HIV infected and affected adolescent girls and young women.
The internally displaced adolescent girls and young women.
Beyond Names Methods and Techniques.
Use of community outreaches and mobilization
Aim: To promote behaviour change.
This includes; Participatory Educative Theatre, Focused Group Discusions, talks by relevant
proffesionals and experinced persons
Trainings and workshops.
Aim: To enhance Knowledge and information.
This is done by use of both formal and infoml education methods including lectures,
film shows, picture codes and group discusions.
Merry go rounds.
Aim: To promote Enterpreneurship and economic self sustainability.
Merry go rounds are popular and widely accepted by young women. If properly monitored and well
managed they have a record of having provided financial start up capital to micro enterpreneurs.
One on one Counselling.
Aim: To provide a channel through which participants share issues for better understanding and advice.
To offer proffesional and informed advice.
This is done at the resource center by competent peer consellors.
Job shaddow days.
Aim: To inspire and encourage young women and girls career wise.
This are specific days where each committee member allows a young woman or girl to spend the working day/hours with
her taking time to explain and teach the nature of her job.
Given chance T.C.I shall search oppotunities in the corporate society for job shaddow days.
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